
Oil Pump | Isuzu 4BD1 / 4BG1 Engine / 8970653840


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  • Oil Pump | Isuzu 4BD1 / 4BG1 Engine / 8970653840
  • Subtotal:$214.60

Oil Pump | Isuzu 4BD1 / 4BG1 Engine / 8970653840


OE Replacement: 8970653840, 1131001362,1-13100-136-2, 8-97065384-1, 8970653841


Fits Following: Isuzu 4BA1, 4BG1, Excavator EX120-5 EX130-5, 4BD1 (1980 to 1993) 4BG1 (1989 and newer)


Year: 1980-1993